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DR5000 Configuration and Setup

DR5000 Configuration Setup Chart


The DR5000 is the first recorder to "self document" setup configuration. This is accomplished by utilizing a setup chart providing the user with an "on the spot" manual providing detailed configuration instructions and documents the current setup for quick review by an operator. A box of setup charts (typically 7 charts) is provided with each recorder.


Shown below is a scanned sample of the setup chart used with Counter Clockwise rotation (Partlow style charts). Setup charts for Clockwise rotations (Honeywell style charts) operate in the same fashion but turn opposite direction.




The above sample setup chart shows the following configuration (click on larger view to better see the chart.

  • Input: Type J
  • Chart Range: lower (zero point) on chart "0000" or 0 (zero) / upper (span point) on chart "0100" or 100 (span)
  • Temperature Scale: degrees F
  • Chart Rotation: 24 hour
  • Input Averaging: 8
  • Optional Alarm: High / non-latching


Configuration Instructions for each style recorder, Ink Counter Clockwise, Ink Clockwise and Thermal (print your own chart) have separate but similar instructions. The Ink style setup charts have complete instructions but the Thermal style do not due to lack of space. Below are sample instructions for Single Pen Ink Type recorders. Instructions for Two Pen Ink and Thermal may be found in the manual.



Recorder Setup "Single Pen Ink Type

In order to configure the recorder, you will need the recorder SET-UP CHART, P/N R18-270 for CCW or P/N R18-272 for CW rotation.

This chart contains the configuration categories of the recorder (Probe Input, Inner Chart Values, Outer Chart Values, Units, Chart Rotation, Input Averaging and Relay Options).


Place the SET-UP CHART onto the recorder. This setup chart should be saved for future reference once setup complete.

1. Place SETUP CHART on recorder (P/N R18-270 for CCW, and P/N R18-272 for CW)


2. Press and release CHANGE CHART key (3).


3. Wait until pen moves above scale and green LED stops flashing.


4. Press and hold LEFT arrow key (1) until LED goes off, then release key.


5. Pen will move to outer ring of chart. Wait for LED to flash slowly. (.8sec on / .8 sec off) LED will continue to flash slowly during setup.


6. Loosen Chart knob and rotate chart to position RED pen in the middle of the START CIRCLE.


7. Tighten chart knob. Press and release the CHANGE CHART key (3). Pen will move to PROBE INPUT column on the setup chart.


8. Position pen to the desired selection using LEFT (1) and RIGHT (2) keys.


9. Press and release CHANGE CHART key (3) to store selection and advance to next category.


10. Repeat selection process until all categories are selected. You must Press and release CHANGE CHART key (3) after last category.


11. After all categories are selected, pen will move off scale and LED will Stop flashing. (Steady on)


12. Remove SETUP CHART and save. Install actual recording chart.


13. Press and release CHANGE CHART key (3).


14. LED will remain on steady, pen will stop at 100% ring, then to alarm setpoint values (if enabled). LED will turn off when pen(s) reaches alarm setpoint. Use RIGHT/LEFT arrow keys to adjust alarm value(s) for pen. LED is on steady when pen(s) are recording actual values.


NOTE: Units with optional display, display goes to ---- during setup.